November 29, 2010

Two months

Hey, I'm back.  Kinda, anyway.  I didn't really leave.  In fact I wrote a lot of disturbing stuff that I never ended up posting whenever I felt like shit, which happened a lot more often than usual in the past two months or so.  Maybe I'll post it later (but it is awful disturbing).  For the sake of not having an entire month without posting on my track record, here's a quick overview of what has gone down when I've been at home (overall about nine days since moving to Ann Arbor), more or less in order. 
  • Watched the majority of Season 4 of Lost in one sitting with my friend JK overnight.
  • Went to see my sister/my high school marching band play their final competition for the 2010 season and WIN.  I was so proud, and jealous that it wasn't me.  However I'll still maintain that my performance at the same competition in 2009, despite only placing third, was the best I've ever played (and, perhaps not-so-coincidentally, the last show I played on a field).  Caught up with old friends. 
  • Got yelled at for stealing season 2 of Gossip Girl, subsequently stole season 1 of Glee. (arguably more heterosexual)
  • Visited K College, met up with sweet people, played duets on a piano in my friend's hall, made an epic photobooth album with a girl and then (much) later asked her out awkwardly.  Yeah... still single.  But it was still a good night. 
  • Returned later for one day so that I could attend my own Eagle ceremony (Eagle Scout!  Now I almost seem cooler, I think.)  Also awkward, but there were tacos.
  • Got a haircut, then a ride back to Ann Arbor from my friend who goes to Eastern Michigan in Ypsilanti.  Fun stuff.
  • Returned home for Thanksgiving with cool people, had a very good car ride conversation about relationships and politics and geography and college and life in general. 
  • Did absolutely nothing for the first few days.  Bored out of my mind.
  • Thanksgiving: hyperactive seven-year-old cousin crawls all over head, I pass out from overeating, watch the Lions get their asses handed to them, then sleep all the way back to Portage from Niles.  Later that night go to see Deathly Hallows the second time with my family (First time occurred in AA, more on that later) It was awesome.  Narrowly dodged stepping in puke on the sidewalk both when entering and exiting the theater.  Almost get killed by my dad hitting a deer on the passenger's side when he was driving home.  It was terrifying. 
  • Watched the Lost Season 5 finale with JKuo (we watched season five separately and then met up for this later).  Easily the most frustrating and confusing episode of television ever made.  We both shat our pants, even though I knew what was going to happen.  After, we ran to McD's and got the McRib.  Delicious.
  • Hung out with people at Tiger's house (I'm having trouble remembering what nickname's I'm giving people.)  Then went to another friend's house and hung out with a bunch of cool nerdy people and I watched some kid play this game called "LSD" which is the rarest game released on the PS2.  It's pretty much exactly what it says on the tin.  It was terrifying.  I then went on Omegle for several hours and saw many, many dicks.  It was a blast.  We watched Wizards again!
  • Made the traverse to a newer friend's house the next night after waking up around noon, had a severe allergic reaction to his cat and then went home and fell asleep around midnight.  I was up for about 12 hours total.  We built a blanket fort and watched Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (for about the 8th time in a row) and talked about our college adventures. 
I'll make an update about what's gone on when I was actually at college later.  

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