June 23, 2010

The Complete Collection of Things I Kinda Want to Do

  • Open a breakfast joint.   This will NEVER happen, but at any given time, I crave breakfast food as much as John Goodman does each morning.
  • Make a movie.  Specifically, a spoof movie that is actually good so that I can run Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer out of  business.  Although I am flexible.
  • Write science fiction.  I read my first Michael Crichton novel when I was in fourth grade and I read so much god damn sci-fi until high school.  My tremendous childhood imagination completely died along with my good reading habits, unfortunately, so this one will be difficult to accomplish.  Also, I'm not incredibly good at writing due to the fact that writing is so subjective and criticism is never concrete when it comes to these things.  
  • Write anything.  Writing is stress relief.  I'm interested in writing screenplays, maybe, since previous writing experience (if attempting NaNoWriMo counts) has taught me that I'm good at dialogue.
  • Learn to appreciate running.  Running is good for you.  People learn to appreciate running if they do it enough.  But unfortunately, in real life, running is fucking terrible and feels fucking terrible.
  • Start playing video games again.  Another nerdy habit of mine that died in high school.  Non-gamers, of course, could never understand why I don't think video games are worthless or a waste of time and money, but I'll try to explain it in as few words as possible: video games are something of an art.  The design process that goes into the environments should definitely make them qualify for that status.  But the easiest way of explaining it is that they provide the audio-visual experience of a movie with a complete score, with the pick-up-and-go quality of a book (as well as length) and an added interactive quality that only a game can provide.  The only real argument against it, in my mind, are that almost all games have plots as complex or interesting as your average episode of Family Guy.  Either way, they are a damn fun way to pass time.
  • Compose an epic-length piece for a full symphony orchestra just so that I can conduct it flawlessly and hear it played flawlessly just so that I can soak in 15-30 seconds of uninhibited, deafening applause at the end.
  • Produce an album of non-classical music.  More than likely rock music.  I love rock music, but I don't play any rock instruments (never really learned to play a kit, and never became very interested in that instrument specifically).  Betcha can't guess what comes next...
  • Learn to play the guitar.  Similar aspirations have been held by many a 10-45 year old male, but I think that a guitar is a damn cool instrument.  I'd prefer to learn to play the Chapman Stick first (just because that may be the coolest type of guitar ever invented ever), but really anything would satisfy me.
  • Travel.  You know that saying, "It's not the destination that counts, it's the journey," or something along those lines?  I am the living embodiment of this quote.  I love to travel, but only for the sake of traveling.  One of the most unforgettable parts of my Philmont adventure in 2008 was, honestly, the train ride there and back.  Train is the absolute best method of transportation in existence.  Where to travel, though?
  • Visit: Egypt, the Canadian Yukon, California, New Delhi, anywhere in Western Europe, Moscow, Japan, Rio de Janeiro (or anywhere in Brazil), Beijing, Istanbul, Machu Picchu, The Himalayas, New Zealand, and Hawaii.
  • Live in either Britain or Scandinavia.  I have roots in Scotland and have a very British name, so I ought to at least be in touch with them, right?  Plus, generally British people have sexy accents (and yes, I spent a lot of time looking up a bunch of the regional accents in England and Scotland because I'm weird) and apparently they feel the same way about American accents.  Which I have.  Also, despite my aversion to foreign languages (due to my inability to learn to speak them), I would gladly choose to live anywhere in Scandinavia (preferably Norway) due to the fact that this is the most beautiful tumor-shaped region of the planet.  Ever.  Seriously, Norway is ridiculously gorgeous.
  • Restart high school.  Before you say WTF MAN, let me explain myself.  I mean this only because I am aware of a lot of things I should have done differently.  Also, it would give me the opportunity to actually look closer to my age at any given point.  I think college will teach me that all that stuff that happened is completely inconsequential, but I am still upset - weeks later - at how high school ended.  
  • Gain the ability to throw my consciousness back and forth through time so that I could prevent myself from ever making stupid decisions that turn out badly (see: post on Time Travel).
  • Get really good at dancing and acquire the ability to seduce every women on any given dance floor with my mad skillz.
  • Regain some degree of the semi-developed artistic ability that I had in 6th grade. (This only includes painting/sketching because there is a highly misshapen clay turtle on my mom's dresser that would argue against the idea of me being able to make art.)  Then, on a train ride or something boring and still, I want to draw someone onto a page completely unnoticed and then give it to them as they leave.  
  • I've always wanted to blow up something while walking away from it, like in the movies.  I would look so badass.
  • Buy a sailboat and spend the rest of my life sailing on that sailboat.  I met a guy who lived on his boat in the summer and it seriously got me thinking about the idea.  There are opportunities to make money and all.  In a movie there was a segment about three ski bums who bought a sailboat and lived out of it for three years just sailing around and skiing mountains on Northern Europe's Arctic Sea coastline.  It was eye-opening.
  • Be good at sports.  I've never been good at any (and not from lack of practice or even athleticism, really) and that made me feel pretty useless up until other extracurricular opportunities cropped up in high school.  It sucks that before high school, the only things that kids can really do outside of school is sports. 
  • LEARN HOW TO COOK.  Boy interested in chemistry can't make food for the life of him.  It's pathetic, and I'm going to need a very stereotypical 1960's housewife if I'm going to live happily, otherwise.
  • Get addicted to a new TV show of a similar "epic" factor to Lost, although I don't know if that exists.  That reminds me, I was supposed to make a Lost post regarding my interpretation/opinion of the finale, but now it's far too late... not cool.  Anyway, suggestions?  Fringe?  Mad Men?  Breaking Bad?  I'm already obliged to pick up shows that are already done with.  Which basically just means I need to watch The Wire.  Or maybe I'll just start watching a new show.

1 comment:

  1. "Then, on a train ride or something boring and still, I want to draw someone onto a page completely unnoticed and then give it to them as they leave."

    OMG that would be wayy too awesome to not do.. and now after architecture studio I could totally do it. The not noticing part might be difficult lol..

    Watch Bones. Do it. You know I'm the girl with obscure TV references. I stitch a lot... and need background entertainment. Or anything Joss Whedon..or Big Bang Theory. Sitcoms are great for background noise because the scenery is always the same.
