A two week gap without posting... while a lot has happened in these two weeks worth making an extended blog post, I can't help feel that the distance between posts signifies my fulfillment of a facet of a stereotypical white man: Making a blog for a few months, mostly scattered with posts about how "I'm sorry for not posting in a long time" and then eventually forgetting that it ever existed. What a shame.
Anyway, it most be noted that a week from this post, the marching band placed first in Class A competition at our first tournament of the year. For that, I am extremely proud. What I am upset about is the fact that we have reached the point where the activity is no longer fun but a big bundle of stress and bullshit to weed through. It has happened every year and the last two rehearsals since then have been... stressful and full of bullshit.
However, other things seem to have been going well. I've re-realized the amount of silent support I have from my friends. I've gone a long time without needing any, but after a shitty band rehearsal left me doubting my abilities as a leader and the relevancy of an entire summer, I was pleased to find that this support had never left. I gave one of my friends the gift of a mix CD which I have been so meticulously preparing for the last month and a half. I even attempted to remix it before giving it to her, but I realized at 3 am the night before that I am hopeless at screwing with audio. I might go into more detail about the subject of my audio escapades at some later date. Not now though - my music preferences seem to change so often that trying to pin it down into one post seems incredibly futile.
Speaking of last night, I have a recipe for having one of the most enjoyable Friday nights when there is shitty weather. Rent kung-fu movies, and proceed to watch without English subtitles whilst making up your own dialogue. It ended up being the most nerdgasmic experiences I've had in a good while in the midst of my continual stress over getting into college.
Another thing about college: This Wednesday I attended my school's college night, where I was excited to meet one of the representatives from the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan. Since she was also on the scholarship committee, I tried to impress her with my status as a National Merit Semifinalist, to which I was told "Yeah, we don't give out scholarships for National Merit. Asshole," and then when I asked about class sizes, the response was basically "FUCK YOU FOR ASKING," since it is a gigantic school.
Essentially, life is going on as normal; I've lost interest in anything that doesn't affect me at the moment, so forgive me if I'm just being boring.