I've been particularly interested in making a fully functional, interesting blog to post all my random shit. Initially my plan was to make a blog in which I post on the most mundane of all Wednesdays about what the hell is going on in my not-all-that-crazy life, maybe post some stuff that I enjoy or maybe just some random book/movie reviews of mine.
This blog took off like a year ago and this appears to be the first post. The reason for this is that the only eventful shit that goes down reminds me of some other part of my being that makes everything posted beforehand completely irrelevant to a continuous log of life. Maybe the fact that it's still summer keeps me sane enough to gain the courage/initiative to continue posting without feeling ashamed about the things I write. I will NOT be writing only on Wednesdays though. Wednesday is:
- The shittiest day of the week
- The middle of the week (cliffhangers + blogs = pointless)
- Boring as hell
Anyway, here's a quick summary of my current standpoint in life (reading the about me details might give you a head start on understanding this) I sort of figured out how my life is supposed to go the early summer of my junior year in high school. Ever since then, aside from some school-related stress-induced shittiness, I've been pretty content with it all. Sure, I've got problems, but I'm generally happy in situations where I previously would have become depressive.
I spent this summer with Legends Drum and Bugle Corps, getting whip-ass at mallet instruments in the front ensemble, and then leading my own front ensemble in my high school's marching band. Oddly, both turned out to be equally stressful. Drum corps is by far the more intense activity, but I happened to do well since I have a good work ethic (the reason why I did drum corps in the first place was solely for self-improvement, and I'm definitely seeing the results, especially since returning to my hometown on August 9th) On the other hand, I fear that this is the exact reason why marching band has become so stressful. While I know what it is like to work hard and have the motivation to do so, I find myself disappointed in others who lack the enthusiasm or vigor necessary to satisfy me or excel as a high school front ensemble. Oh well. I'm still working on it.
Musically, I plan on taking it easy with the numerous ensembles that consumed my time last year. No KJSO, no summer Legends - just winter Legends and marching band this year. On the other hand I'm making room in my schedule for private lessons so that I can become good enough to continue with music in college, where everything is more competitive.